Dispense-U-Veyor Agricultural Conveyor
Automated Conveyor Solution for the Storage and Retrieval of High Value Agricultural Products
White’s Dispense-U-Veyor System can be ceiling mounted, preserving valuable floor space. Here, the automated conveyor is used to deliver cannabis from a back-room fulfillment area to customers at the front of the store.
Dispense-U-Veyor: Designed to store and retrieve high value retail products.
White’s Dispense-U-Veyor conveyor easily and safely moves large or small volumes of high value products from back-room fulfillment to the customer service area. Perfect for dispensaries and pharmacies, the suspended system allows full-use of available space for customers to maintain safe distancing. Inventory can be kept in the back, with access granted or given to only a few employees. This added security can protect against losses from both internal and external sources. When it is time for delivery, the high value products are loaded onto the conveyor and delivered to the customer service area. Now, more customers can be serviced quickly and safely while reducing wait time.
Once an order is placed, the back-room fulfillment team packs the product and places it in a package that is attached to the suspended conveyor system. The elevated track travels from the back and arrives at the front counter while valuable floor space remains open and available. From beginning to end, the journey is fast and quiet. Every order — in-house, delivery, curb side pickup — is streamlined and more efficient with White’s Dispense-U-Veyor Conveyor System.
White's Dispense-U-Veyor Conveyor features and options
Allows more customers to be serviced in less time
Increased security and protection from internal theft and external robbery
Suspended track frees-up valuable floor space
Separates fulfillment staff from counter attendants
Custom configured and fitted to your requirements
Facilitates social distancing for customers
Reliable, Robust and Durable Construction
Simple User-Friendly Operation